Monday, November 3, 2008

Costa Rican Spanish Word of the Day: Cachos

Cachos is the most common way to say 'horns' or 'antlers' in Costa Rica. (In other Spanish-speaking countries, cuerno is the more common term.) To "ponerse los cachos" is to cheat on your significant other. The verb can also be used in a transitive sense, as in the following sentence: "Mi novia me puso los cachos." (My girlfriend cheated on me.)

In Costa Rica bakeries will sell pastries called "cachos". They're flaky, cone-like pastries filled with dulce de leche, a product made by slowly boiling milk and sugar until it caramelizes. I was always a sucker for these cachos. When I would go into a bakery to get a cacho, the owner would always have a good "cachos" joke for me. Of course, she was especially proud of her jokes because I was actually dating her daughter...

Siempre en la lucha,



Wumpus said...

cachos is also slang for shoes in costa rica

MasalaMom said...

Wumpus beat me to comment on the fact that it's also Costa Rican slang for "shoes"!

Thomas Carmona said...

Thanks so much for your comments! It's quite embarrassing leaving something like that out! Cachos indeed means shoes, too. There's even a shoe store in Costa Rica called "Cachos". I assume that the store bears this name because of the meaning of the word, and not that the meaning of the word came to be because of the store.

Maybe some real ticos can help us out with a clarification. said...

So much helpful data for me!